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Battery Module Busbar Welding

For all battery cell formats, whether cylindrical, prismatic or pouch, conductive busbars are used to connect individual cells into modules or, in some case packs. Laser welding of these cells to busbars ensures that the connections meet electrical requirements, which is crucially important to the performance and reliability of the vehicle.

Benefits of Laser Welding

  • Low Electrical Resistance – High joint Strength: Flexibility in programming joint geometry to optimize mechanical properties.
  • Highly Repeatable Process for High Part Yield: Non-contact process eliminates component wear and the recurring maintenance downtime of other technologies.
  • Easily Automated and Easily Scalable: Integration with vision systems and virtual elimination of mechanical adjustments allows simple switching between job types and replication of processing stations.

The benefits of IPG’s Laser Processing Solutions are available to end-users and their system or line automation partners in a variety of configurations to best suit the intended use case. To learn more, contact our E-Mobility team.

IPG Solutions for Module Busbar Welding

Mixed Material Welding Made Easy

Materials such as copper, aluminum, and nickel-coated steel can be joined effortlessly with the use of single-mode laser technology, that also minimizes laser heat input.


Spatter and Porosity Virtually Eliminated

Weld spatter and porosity is virtually eliminated by IPG’s AMB Dual Beam Technology that is wider ranging and inherently more reliable than alternatives.


Increased Part Yield from the Extended Process Window

The wider selection of AMB laser configurations allows optimization of processes having greater tolerance to part variability that result in more high-quality production output.


100% QA verification with Real-Time Weld Measurement

IPG’s patented LDD QA option gives non-destructive weld depth and profile measurements on each weld as it is performed.


High-Speed Production Process

Enabled by IPG’s unique laser capabilities that support high-speed welding while maintaining conditions of low heat input, low spatter, and low weld porosity.


Battery Busbar Welding

On-Demand Battery Welding Webinar

The example cases discussed will include:

  • Solving spatter issues and increasing the process window in high-speed welding of copper, aluminum, busbars and connectors.
  • Using air-cooled laser in manufacturing steps where water is not allowed.
  • Reducing cycle time using an integrated laser welding solution comprising laser, beam delivery with scanner and dedicated controller.


Why IPG?

IPG offers the widest range of fiber lasers with greater output powers, wavelengths, modes of operation. IPG fiber lasers are entirely solid state, zero maintenance, and enable levels of equipment availability necessary in the competitive automotive industry. IPG fiber lasers are up to 10X more energy efficient than legacy lasers and are the product of choice in many industrial material processing applications.

Contact an E-Mobility Solution Expert

Our E-Mobility laser materials processing specialists are available to answer your questions, arrange sample evaluations, or help you to schedule a visit to one of 27 regional applications development centers.

Whatever your E-Mobility related questions, contact us today and together we will identify the best laser processing solution for your specific application.

Contact our E-MobilityTeam